Yesterday's News Cat Litter Product Review 2024

February 9, 2024

Stray cat near shabby trash can with garbage placed on asphalt sidewalk on street with car and building near trees
Photo by Nothing Ahead on Pexels.


If you are a cat owner, you know the importance of finding the perfect cat litter. It should be absorbent, odor-free, and easy to clean. With so many options available in the market, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one. In this article, we will be reviewing the Yesterday's News Cat Litter and see if it lives up to the hype.

What is Yesterday's News Cat Litter?

Yesterday's News Cat Litter is a popular choice among cat owners. It is made from recycled newspaper, making it an eco-friendly option. The litter pellets are designed to be highly absorbent, trapping odors and moisture effectively.


One of the main concerns when it comes to cat litter is odor control. While no cat litter can completely eliminate odors, Yesterday's News does a commendable job in minimizing them. The paper pellets absorb moisture and odors, keeping your home smelling fresh.

Cleaning the litter box is also a breeze with Yesterday's News. The pellets are larger in size compared to traditional clay litter, making them easy to scoop. They do not stick to the litter box, reducing the mess and making the process much more convenient.

Eco-Friendly Choice

If you are conscious about the environment, Yesterday's News is an excellent choice. By using recycled newspaper, it reduces the amount of waste going into landfills. Additionally, the litter is biodegradable, making it a sustainable option.


Compared to some of the high-end cat litters in the market, Yesterday's News is reasonably priced. It offers great value for your money, considering its performance and eco-friendly features.


If you are looking for an effective and eco-friendly cat litter, Yesterday's News is worth considering. It offers excellent odor control, easy cleaning, and is a sustainable choice. Give it a try and see the difference it can make in your home!