Why Is My Airpod Volume So Low In One Ear On Android

February 3, 2024

Shallow Focus Photography of White Airpods on Green Surface
Photo by Andy Kuzma on Pexels.


If you are an Android user and you've been experiencing low volume in one ear of your Airpod, you're not alone. Many users have reported this issue, and it can be quite frustrating when you're trying to enjoy your favorite music or take an important phone call. In this article, we will explore the possible reasons behind this problem and provide some potential solutions.

Dirty Grilles

One of the most common reasons for low volume in one ear of Airpods on Android is dirty grilles. Over time, the grilles on your Airpods can accumulate dust, earwax, or other debris, which can block the sound and result in reduced volume. It's important to regularly clean the grilles to ensure optimal sound quality.

To clean the grilles, you can use a soft-bristled brush or toothbrush. Gently brush the grilles in a circular motion to remove any dirt or debris. You can also use a clean, dry cloth to wipe the grilles.

Bluetooth Interference

Another possible cause of low volume in one ear of Airpods on Android is Bluetooth interference. Bluetooth signals can be easily disrupted by other electronic devices or even physical obstructions, such as walls or furniture. This interference can affect the connection between your Android device and the Airpods, resulting in reduced volume in one ear.

To minimize Bluetooth interference, try to keep your Android device and Airpods in close proximity. Avoid placing any large objects or electronic devices between them. Additionally, make sure that there are no other Bluetooth devices nearby that can potentially disrupt the connection.

Software Issues

In some cases, software issues could be the culprit behind the low volume problem. Outdated firmware or conflicting apps can interfere with the sound output and result in reduced volume in one ear of Airpods on Android.

To resolve software issues, make sure that both your Android device and Airpods are running the latest firmware. You can check for firmware updates in the settings of your Android device and through the Airpods app. Additionally, try closing any unnecessary apps running in the background that could be causing conflicts.

Hardware Problems

If none of the above solutions have resolved the low volume issue, it's possible that there is a hardware problem with your Airpods. It could be an issue with the speaker, the wiring, or the connection itself. In such cases, it is recommended to contact Apple support for further assistance.


Experiencing low volume in one ear of your Airpods on Android can be annoying, but it's not an uncommon problem. By keeping the grilles clean, minimizing Bluetooth interference, resolving software issues, and seeking help for hardware problems, you can hopefully restore the sound quality and enjoy your Airpods to the fullest.