How To Substitute Bok Choy In A Stir Fry

February 2, 2024

Crop woman with chopsticks above bok choy in soy sauce
Photo by Angela Roma on Pexels.


Stir fry is a versatile and popular dish that allows you to combine various ingredients and flavors in one pan. While bok choy is a common vegetable used in stir fry recipes, there may be times when you don't have any on hand or simply want to try something different. In this article, we will explore different alternatives to bok choy in a stir fry and provide you with some tips to make the best substitution.

Why Substitute Bok Choy?

Bok choy, also known as Chinese cabbage, is a leafy green vegetable with a crisp texture and a mild, slightly sweet flavor. It adds a unique crunch and freshness to stir fry dishes. However, there are several reasons why you might need to substitute bok choy:

Alternatives to Bok Choy

When it comes to substituting bok choy in a stir fry, there are several vegetables that can work well and provide a similar taste and texture. Here are some popular alternatives:

1. Napa Cabbage

Napa cabbage, also known as Chinese cabbage, is a close relative of bok choy. It has a mild, slightly peppery flavor and a similar crisp texture. Napa cabbage works well in stir fry dishes as it softens slightly when cooked but retains a pleasant crunch.

2. Baby Spinach

If you prefer a milder flavor, baby spinach can be a good substitute for bok choy. It has a delicate taste and tender texture, making it a versatile ingredient in stir fry recipes. Spinach also provides a good dose of vitamins and minerals.

3. Broccoli

Broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable that adds a vibrant green color and a mild, slightly bitter flavor to stir fry dishes. It has a firm texture that holds up well when cooked. To use broccoli as a substitute for bok choy, cut it into bite-sized florets and add it to your stir fry.

4. Bell Peppers

Bell peppers come in various colors, including green, red, yellow, and orange. They have a sweet, slightly tangy flavor and a crunchy texture. Adding bell peppers to your stir fry can give it a pop of color and a refreshing taste.

5. Snow Peas

Snow peas are flat, edible-podded peas that add a pleasant crunch to stir fry dishes. They have a sweet, slightly grassy flavor and a vibrant green color. Snow peas work well in stir fries as they retain their crispness even after cooking.

6. Green Beans

Green beans, also known as string beans or snap beans, have a mild, slightly sweet flavor and a firm texture. They are a popular addition to stir fry recipes as they add a vibrant color and a satisfying crunch.

7. Swiss Chard

If you're looking for a leafy green alternative to bok choy, Swiss chard is a great option. It has a slightly bitter, earthy taste and a hearty texture. Swiss chard leaves can be used in stir fry dishes, while the stalks can be cooked separately or added for added texture.

Tips for Substituting Bok Choy


While bok choy is a popular vegetable in stir fry recipes, there are many alternatives that can be used to create delicious and satisfying dishes. Whether you're looking for a milder flavor, a different texture, or simply want to try something new, the options are endless. Experiment with different vegetables, flavors, and cooking techniques to create stir fry dishes that will tantalize your taste buds.