Soundtrack Sleuthing: How To Identify Unknown Songs

March 13, 2024

Photo by Fazlul Kader Chowdhury on Pexels.


Have you ever found yourself humming a tune from a movie, TV show, or commercial, but you just can't place the song? It's a frustrating feeling, but fear not - there are ways to solve this musical mystery!

Shazam: Your Best Friend

One of the easiest ways to identify unknown songs is by using an app like Shazam. Simply open the app, hit the 'Listen' button, and let it analyze the song. In a matter of seconds, Shazam will give you the title, artist, and even a link to listen to the full song. It's like magic!

Online Communities

If Shazam doesn't do the trick, turn to online communities like Reddit or music forums. Post a snippet of the song or describe it in detail, and chances are someone will recognize it. The internet is a vast and knowledgeable place, so don't hesitate to ask for help!

Music Recognition Software

In addition to Shazam, there are other music recognition software options available. Apps like SoundHound and Musixmatch work similarly to Shazam and can help you identify those pesky unknown songs. Don't be afraid to try out different apps to see which one works best for you.

Soundtrack Sleuthing

For those hard-to-find songs from movies or TV shows, try doing some detective work. Look up the soundtrack listing for the specific media and cross-reference it with the scene the song appeared in. Sometimes the answer is right in front of you, you just have to dig a little deeper.

Music Identification Websites

If all else fails, there are music identification websites like TuneFind and WhatSong. These sites specialize in identifying songs from movies, TV shows, and even video games. Simply type in the details you know about the song, and these websites will do the rest.


Identifying unknown songs can be a challenging task, but with the right tools and resources, you can crack the case. Whether you rely on apps like Shazam, seek help from online communities, or do some good old-fashioned sleuthing, there's a solution out there waiting for you. So next time you find yourself humming a tune without a name, don't fret - put on your detective hat and get to work!