How To Say I Am Going To Eat In French

February 12, 2024

Appetizing burger with meat patty ketchup and cheese placed on wooden table with crispy french fries against black background
Photo by Daniel Reche on Pexels.

Basics of French Food Vocabulary

Eating is a universal activity and is an essential part of our daily lives. While traveling or living in a French-speaking country, it is important to be able to express yourself when it comes to food. In this article, we will cover the various phrases and expressions needed to say 'I am going to eat' in French.

Expressions to Use Before the Meal

One common phrase you can use to say 'I am going to eat' in French is 'Je vais manger.' This can be used in a general context and is a straightforward way to express your intention to eat. However, French is a language rich in expressions, and there are other ways to convey the same message.

A more casual phrase you can use is 'Je vais bouffer.' This is a slang term for 'eat' in French and is commonly used in informal settings. If you are speaking with friends or in a casual environment, this expression can be quite useful.

Another expression you may come across is 'Je vais me mettre à table.' Literally translating to 'I am going to sit at the table,' this phrase implies that you are ready to eat and sit down for a meal. It adds an element of anticipation and excitement for the upcoming dining experience.

Expressions to Use During the Meal

Once you are sitting at the table and ready to eat, there are a few expressions you can use to indicate that you are currently eating.

If someone asks what you are doing, you can respond with 'Je suis en train de manger.' This translates to 'I am in the process of eating' and is a commonly used expression.

Another phrase you can use is 'Je suis en train de déjeuner/dîner.' This translates to 'I am in the process of having lunch/dinner' and specifies the particular meal you are enjoying.

Expressions to Use After the Meal

After you have finished your meal, it is customary to express your satisfaction or gratitude. Here are a few phrases you can use:

'J'ai bien mangé.' This means 'I ate well' and can be used to indicate that you enjoyed your meal.

'Merci pour le repas.' This translates to 'Thank you for the meal' and is a polite way to express gratitude to the host or person who prepared the food.


In conclusion, knowing how to say 'I am going to eat' in French is an essential part of learning the language. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced learner, familiarizing yourself with these expressions will help you navigate social situations and immerse yourself in the local culture. From casual phrases to formal expressions, there are various ways to convey your intention to eat in French. So, the next time you sit down for a meal, remember to use these phrases and enjoy your dining experience!