Gaming Guide: Finding Xur In 'Destiny 2'

Welcome to our gaming guide on how to find Xur in 'Destiny 2'. Xur is a mysterious vendor who appears in different locations each week, offering exotic weapons and armor to Guardians. In this guide, we will provide you with all the information you need to track down Xur and make the most of his offerings.
Who is Xur?
Xur is an Agent of the Nine, a group of enigmatic entities in the 'Destiny' universe. He appears in the game every Friday and remains until the weekly reset on Tuesday. Xur's inventory rotates each week, so it's worth checking out what he has to offer.
How to Find Xur
Xur can be found in one of several locations in the game, including the Tower, the Reef, and various planets. To locate Xur, you can either follow the in-game waypoint that appears when he is available or check online resources that track his whereabouts.
What Does Xur Offer?
Xur sells a rotating selection of exotic weapons and armor, as well as consumables like Three of Coins. These items are often sought after by players looking to bolster their arsenal or complete their collection of exotics.
Tips for Making the Most of Xur
- Check Xur's inventory each week to see if he has any items you need for your build or collection.
- Consider using Three of Coins to increase your chances of receiving exotic engrams from activities like Strikes or Crucible matches.
- Keep an eye out for Xur's location each week so you can quickly access his offerings.
- Don't forget to visit Xur with each of your characters, as his inventory may differ based on class.
Finding Xur in 'Destiny 2' can be a fun and rewarding experience. By following the tips in this guide, you can make the most of Xur's weekly appearances and add some powerful gear to your arsenal. Happy hunting, Guardians!