Css: The "white-space" Attribute Explained

CSS is a powerful tool that allows web developers to control the appearance of their websites. One often-overlooked CSS attribute is "white-space". In this article, we will explore the various aspects of the "white-space" attribute and how it can be used to manipulate the flow and formatting of text.
The Basics
By default, HTML treats consecutive spaces, tabs, and line breaks as a single space. If you want to preserve the exact format of your text, you can use the "white-space" attribute. Let's take a look at some of the values it can take:
The "normal" value is the default behavior of HTML. It collapses consecutive whitespace characters into a single space. This is useful for avoiding unwanted line breaks and ensuring that text wraps correctly within its container.
The "nowrap" value prevents line breaks within a block of text. This can be useful when you have a long string that you want to keep on a single line, such as a URL or an email address.
Preformatted Text
Sometimes, you want to display text exactly as it is, without any formatting. This is where the "pre" element comes in. The "pre" element preserves spaces, tabs, and line breaks exactly as they are written in the HTML source. However, it can cause horizontal scrolling if the text is wider than the container. To avoid this, you can combine the "pre" element with the "white-space" attribute:
pre {
white-space: pre-wrap;
This will preserve the formatting of the text while still allowing it to wrap within the container.
Breaking Words
By default, HTML allows long words to break and wrap onto the next line if necessary. However, sometimes you may want to prevent this behavior. You can achieve this using the "break-word" value of the "white-space" attribute. Take a look at this example:
.break-word {
white-space: pre;
word-wrap: break-word;
overflow-wrap: break-word;
The "break-word" class ensures that long words are broken and wrapped onto the next line when necessary.
The "white-space" attribute is a powerful tool in CSS that allows you to control the flow and formatting of text. Whether you need to preserve spaces, prevent line breaks, or break long words, the "white-space" attribute has got you covered. By understanding and utilizing this attribute, you can create cleaner and more visually appealing websites.